The COBRA Blog

COBRA Solutions: Supreme Court says PPACA is constitutional. Now what?

Posted by Robert Meyers on Fri, Jun 29, 2012 @ 14:06 PM

The verdict is in, but while the Supreme Court ruling on PPACA offers some clarity for individuals, families and businesses on the future of the health insurance industry, the scramble to sort out the details and address unanswered questions is likely to continue for a long time.

There are still many aspects of PPACA that remain unclear. The changes to pricing and standards of coverage, employer responsibilities, uncertain tax provisions, state exchanges and many other issues still have to be clarified.

With the numerous changes scheduled to take place in the coming months, perhaps no industry will be more impacted by the new legislation than the insurance industry. Many believe that the main focus of the legislation hasn’t been reforming our healthcare system, but rather reforming our health insurance delivery system. Every change implemented to date has dealt with access to insurance products, enhancement of insurance benefits, and regulation of insurance markets.

So will insurance agencies lose out on business due to the new healthcare exchanges?  Will small businesses abandon their insurance plans, leaving employees to self-manage? Only time will tell. Some see this ruling as financial disaster, while others know that with every change comes opportunity.

There are many questions to be answered in the coming months. The only thing that’s crystal clear is that insurance providers and employers alike are going to have to adjust to survive. Insurance agencies will need to serve even more as consultants, aiding in COBRA administration, human resource consulting, payroll services, third party administration, long term benefits planning, and compensation practices. And now that there’s at least some measure of closure to the debate, employers can refocus their efforts toward understanding and complying with the provisions of the law.

Now that PPACA is the law of the land, it’s more imperative than ever for insurance providers and employers to work closely together as healthcare reform continues to evolve. With a “two heads are better than one” approach, both parties can navigate the maze of changes and requirements and continue to develop healthcare solutions that meet everyone’s needs.

Insurance professionals:  If you’re looking for COBRA solutions and wondering how to offer COBRA in the age of healthcare reform, make sure download our free report!

Employers: If you’re a small employer struggling with lack of COBRA info. and sorting out your healthcare and COBRA obligations, check with us for the best deal in the industry.


Tags: ppaca, cobra administration, COBRA solutions, cobra info.

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