Many of you already know that The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Medical Loss Ratio Rule may result in health insurance premium rebates in the coming months. In fact, insurers are required to send rebates relating to 2011 premiums to employers by August 1, 2012. What you may NOT know is how you are going to distribute a portion of these rebates back to current employees, past employees, and COBRA participants. The 2011 rebates will start arriving this summer. The question is, are you ready for them?
The COBRA Blog
Do PPACA MLR Rebates Apply to COBRA Participants?
Tags: COBRA training, HR issues, COBRA solutions, COBRA participants, cobra info.
COBRA Solutions: Supreme Court says PPACA is constitutional. Now what?
The verdict is in, but while the Supreme Court ruling on PPACA offers some clarity for individuals, families and businesses on the future of the health insurance industry, the scramble to sort out the details and address unanswered questions is likely to continue for a long time.
Tags: ppaca, cobra administration, COBRA solutions, cobra info.