Communicating effectively with your employees can be a challenge any time of the year. But if there’s one time your communication needs to be crystal clear and hitting the mark, it’s during annual open enrollment for healthcare benefits.
The COBRA Blog
Annual Enrollment Communication Strategy: Make it Personal
Tags: benefits administration, hr best practices, open enrollment communication, enrollment communication strategy
12 Employee Appreciation Ideas for This Friday and Beyond
National Employee Appreciation Day is this Friday. In honor of the event, you may want let your employees know that you appreciate them this week. But, why stop there when you can express employee appreciation all year long?
Tags: cobra administration, Affordable Care Act update, cobra blog, hr best practices, employee appreciation
Gross Misconduct – How Gross Does It Have to Be?
Tags: cobra administration, gross misconduct, cobra benefits, cobra eligibility, hr best practices, eligibility and enrollment, direct billing, billing reconciliation