As one of four iTEDIUM Solutions, COBRAGuard has a line of sister products that can help you provide the Human element in Human Resources. Learn more about our EESe eligibility and enrollment platform that was built for benefits professionals like you. View the video and then contact us to learn more.
The COBRA Blog
Introducing Our Eligibility and Enrollment Platform
Tags: eligibility and enrollment platform, eligibility and enrollment software
COBRA can be denied in some cases for gross misconduct. Of course, sexual misconduct can be gross in that it is disgusting … and demeaning, insulting, terrifying, and awful. That said, does sexual misconduct in the workplace constitute “gross misconduct” allowing employers to deny the availability of COBRA coverage upon termination of employment? If so, what are the requirements and ramifications?
Tags: sexual misconduct
Five things to know about COBRA and the Opioid Epidemic
A sad and scary reality is sweeping our country. Drug addiction has skyrocketed. Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death among Americans under the age of 50. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in 2015, 12.5 million Americans misused prescription opioids, 828,000 people used heroin and 33,091 people died from overdosing on opioids. In late October of 2017, the Trump administration declared the opioid epidemic a public health emergency.
Tags: opioid epidemic
Offering COBRA Benefits to Retirees - Small Policy Differences Can Lead to Extremely Different Outcomes
Wondering how employers can best offer retiree health benefits? To shed some light on this complex topic, we’re looking at the case of Tom and Nancy. In retirement, Tom plans to golf nine holes a day and spend his evenings listening to live bands on the beach. Nancy has a love of travel and spicy food. Her plans include driving an RV across the country.
Leonardo da Vinci’s Thoughts on COBRA Administration
“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” -Leonardo da Vinci.
Maybe the famous scholar from the 1400s wasn’t talking about the continuation of group health plan coverage. But, today more than ever, this quote is right on point for sponsors and administrators of employee benefit programs.
How COBRA Communication May Be Impacted by ACA Changes
Proper and timely notification is arguably the most important (and most frequently litigated) aspect of COBRA administration. The employer must provide a general notice at the commencement of active coverage. Let’s be honest, most employees do not continue reading past the title of this notice. However, an individualized election notice becomes due once a qualifying event occurs. The election notice is distributed to individuals at a time when things in their life are changing and they are considering options on the best path forward. Therefore, the election notice is extremely important.
Tags: cobra communication, ACA changes
COBRA: One of Health Care’s Comfortable Commodities
With summer break upon us, most of us are reminded that being home has its perks. Think back to your spring break vacation … Maybe you were stuck at the airport with your kids when their devices ran out of power. Or, maybe you spent hours in the car taking direction from a computer-generated voice telling you to turn in 0.5 miles. Every year, we crave an escape from our daily routines. Then, halfway through our vacations, we yearn for the comforts of home.
Tags: cobra administration
COBRA Administration: Different Flavors for Different Employers
Did you know that different COBRA rules apply to different types of employers? Gasp! Read on to discover the variations in COBRA administration requirements.
Tags: cobra administration
COBRA CONUNDRUMS: Recent Case Reveals the High Cost of COBRA Non-Compliance
Tags: cobra non-compliance
Health Reform: Has the Death Spiral Come to Life?
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away … insurers and industry experts warned of an impending Affordable Care Act (ACA) death spiral. In my mind, the term “death spiral” conjures up images of the death star while the Star Wars Imperial March song begins playing in my head.
Tags: Health reform