Most of your employees understand that if they lose their jobs, they have options available that will allow them to continue their health care benefits. But if an employee faces a long-term disabling injury or illness and must stop working, the options may be less clear. There are critical time limitations when it comes to maintaining their health care coverage—especially when applying for Social Security Disability benefits.
The COBRA Blog
COBRA Solutions: Coordinating COBRA Disability Extension Benefits
Tags: cobra administration, cobra blog, COBRA solutions, COBRA outsourcing, cobra coordination, cobra disability extension benefits
HHS Fills in the “Essential Health Benefits” Piece of the PPACA Puzzle
While the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) continues to be an unsolved puzzle for employers and insurance providers, the law is moving forward and the pieces are slowly beginning to come together.
Tags: ppaca, cobra administration, cobra blog, HR issues, cobra notices, COBRA administration partner, COBRA outsourcing COBRA administration, Essential Health Benefits
Five COBRA Administration Gifts To Give Your Business in 2013
While you’re making your list and checking it twice – don’t forget to consider your business and specifically your HR team. Are COBRA struggles bogging you down or placing your business at risk?
Tags: cobra administration, cobra blog, cobra notices, COBRA administration partner, COBRA education, COBRA bookkeeping, COBRA continuing education, outsourcing COBRA administration, COBRA efficiency
HR Issues: Guidance on The Additional .9% Medicare Tax
Today we feature a guest blog written by Robert A. Browning of Spencer Faine Britt & Browne LLP. The article was originally published in Spencer Faines' Insights Library.
Tags: cobra administration, healthcare reform, cobra blog, HR issues
Have questions regarding COBRA administration? Our COBRA webinars make COBRA training easy! Make time in your schedule and don’t miss out on these insightful tips to keep you current with COBRA administration compliance.
Tags: cobra blog, COBRA training, cobra webinars